About WitvAfrica

Welcome to WitvAfrica, Africa's leading provider in video broadcast, streaming and transmission services. We don't just offer services; we craft tailor-made solutions, catering to both individual and industry-wide requirements. Dive deep into our versatile portfolio, which boasts a plethora of innovative applications and products, prominently featuring our proprietary encryption system for both TV and internet video services.

Our sterling track record is not just words but a testament to our dedication and unparalleled quality. Giants in the TV, entertainment, and advertising realms vouch for us, positioning WitvAfrica as their reliable partner. Our seasoned team, with its vast expertise, doesn’t just provide solutions but partners with clients, understanding their distinct requirements and surpassing expectations every single time.

From holistic turnkey solutions to specialized services, WitvAfrica stands ready with the knowledge and prowess to propel you to your desired broadcasting zenith. Let's redefine broadcasting together. Reach out to us now, and let's make your vision a broadcast reality.

How to set up a TV Channel

Before you dive deep, understand your audience. Who are you catering to? Kids, teens, adults or everyone? Next, sketch out a blueprint. What's your channel's vision? Lastly, decide on the genre. Will it be entertainment, news, lifestyle, or a mix? This foundational step will guide all subsequent decisions.", animate: 'fade-up-left

Our Values


We strive to be at the forefront of technological advancements, constantly exploring new ideas and concepts to stay ahead of the curve.

Customer focus

We put our customers at the heart of everything we do, working to understand their needs and providing them with the best solutions possible.


We understand the impact that our technology can have on society and the environment, and we take full responsibility for our actions, ensuring ethical practices are applied at all times.


We believe in the power of collaboration, working closely with industry experts, partners, and other companies to develop innovative solutions that make a real difference.

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